First impressions
- Community Hero
Posts: 4200
Re: First impressions
someone with an INFERIOR connection/computer.
- mangaluva
- Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek
Posts: 5246- Contact:
Re: First impressions
Someone who clearly isn't stuck going on school computers to access the forum. School computers built by Babbage himself.
Nuzlocke 1: After Armageddon--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
Personal Tumblr---Fanfic Tumblr---Original Novel Tumblr---Other Novel Tumblr--DCMK blog
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
Personal Tumblr---Fanfic Tumblr---Original Novel Tumblr---Other Novel Tumblr--DCMK blog
- Callid
- Ratio vincit omnia.
Posts: 1433
Re: First impressions
Someone who will probably be surprised when I tell him that the our school computers have a larger resolution than my PC...
@ Conia:
Agreed. A great moment in the history of the First Impressions - the Callid-Conia pact (CCP)!
@ Conia:
Agreed. A great moment in the history of the First Impressions - the Callid-Conia pact (CCP)!
If , , , , , , or are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
- Community Hero
Posts: 4200
Re: First impressions
someone who didn't surprise me at least, as I know how small the resolution you use is
- mangaluva
- Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek
Posts: 5246- Contact:
Re: First impressions
Someone who might be innocent in the Mafia game...
... or are they? :3
... or are they? :3
Nuzlocke 1: After Armageddon--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
Personal Tumblr---Fanfic Tumblr---Original Novel Tumblr---Other Novel Tumblr--DCMK blog
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
Personal Tumblr---Fanfic Tumblr---Original Novel Tumblr---Other Novel Tumblr--DCMK blog
- Callid
- Ratio vincit omnia.
Posts: 1433
Re: First impressions
Someone who is - wait, I can't say that. Well, someone who is - no, they might be able to deduce something from this. Someone who - no, I have to wait till nightfall.
OK, I can say that much: Someone who is not Conan!
OK, I can say that much: Someone who is not Conan!
If , , , , , , or are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
- Community Hero
Posts: 4200
Re: First impressions
someone who should feel free to say stuff anyway, just because it's fun to do so. Just choose how you answer randomly
- mangaluva
- Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek
Posts: 5246- Contact:
Re: First impressions
Someone advocating randomness XDXD
Nuzlocke 1: After Armageddon--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
Personal Tumblr---Fanfic Tumblr---Original Novel Tumblr---Other Novel Tumblr--DCMK blog
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
Personal Tumblr---Fanfic Tumblr---Original Novel Tumblr---Other Novel Tumblr--DCMK blog
- Callid
- Ratio vincit omnia.
Posts: 1433
Re: First impressions
Someone who shall know that random is very, very important. Without it, cryptography would be impossible (or at least the cryptanalysis would be very easy).
The only unbreakable algorithm mankind knows, the One Time Pad, requires at least as many random bits as the message is long...
The only unbreakable algorithm mankind knows, the One Time Pad, requires at least as many random bits as the message is long...
If , , , , , , or are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
- Conia
- Yurikochan's Husband
- Conan Shuuichi
Posts: 5194
Re: First impressions
Someone explaining random stuff.
Callid-Conia Pact (CCP):
Short Rules of the CCP:
The CCP is meant to ensure everyone leaves an FI in the FI thread and also to generally create a harmonious atmosphere, both in- and outside the First Impression Thread. Anyone who forgets about that will probably find himself chased out of the FI Thread (well, as much as you can chase someone out of a thread on a forum ). The CCP also tries to ensure nobody cheats at Mafia or violates the general rules of the forum. Furthermore, the CCP tries to protect its members from any organisation in the forums that tries to force them into becoming a member.
The leaders of the CCP are the ones responsible for both admitting and dismissing members as well as making laws and important decisions for the CCP, though the members can take action into their hand through a vote if they wish to do so (experience tells they seldom want to). There are also a few things the leaders can't do which can be only done through votes.
Every member may have an assistance for which they are responsible and they can also select a stand-in to represent them if they can't get online, and if a leader should suddenly leave, the members can both elect and even be elected as the new leader.
If you should want to join the CCP, talk with either Callid or Conia, the current leaders.
If you want more information on the rules of the CCP, read the complete version below.
Leaders and members:
Leaders (Founders):
Detective Tommy
Kaito Lady
§0: This laws can only be changed by the procedures described in §9 and §10.
§1.1: The purpose of the CCP is to keep the First Impression Thread pleasant and genial, while at the same time preventing it from losing its purpose.
§1.2: The CCP will further try to gather as many fans of the First Impression Thread as possible, and help the First Impression Thread to become as large as possible.
§1.3: Outside of the First Impression Thread, all members of the CCP will try to act together in order to promote cosiness and order as well as equality and justice in the DCTP Forums.
§2.1: Failing to leave a First Impression will be punished as stated in §4-4.4.
§2.2: In case of repeated deliberate omissions of First Impressions, both members and assistants are to treat this person as banned, if no leader has yet made use of the §4.2.
§2.3: Any deliberate and causeless gender misuse will face punishment as stated in §4-4.4.
§2.4: Disrupting the general peace of the First Impression Thread or trying to lead other people to disrupt it (flamebait) may also be punished according to §4-4.4.
§3.1: Anyone who violates the rules of the Mafia forum games will also face punishment as stated in §4-4.4.
§3.2: §3.1 includes any sub-varieties of the game, like Mini-Mafia, Grawwfia or Slow-Motion Mafia.
§3.3: The rules of Mafia as referred to in §3.1 are whatever the GM of the respective game proclaims them to be.
§3.4: Violating the DCTP Forum Rules may also be punished according to §4-4.4, and an administrator or moderator of the DCTP Forum may be notified.
§4.1: The normal punishment is to be chased out of the First Impression Thread by any leader or member of the CCP or their assistance.
§4.2: This punishment may be tightened in case of a repeated violation to being banned of the thread or obligatory submission of a face-to-face chess match versus Callid.
§4.3: Tightening of punishment as described in §4.2 can only be imposed be a leader of the CCP, with the exception of the §2.2.
§4.4: Being a member or leader of the CCP doesn't protect one from punishment.
§5.1: Any assistant, member or leader of the CCP will help the First Impression Thread to have more replies than the General Discussion board.
§5.2: §5.1 does not, in any case, hinder the assistants, members and leaders to post and contribute to the mentioned threads and boards.
§6.1: No member or leader of the CCP can ever be a member of any organisation that forces their member, i.e. any organisation that does not allow its members to leave at any given time for any given reason.
§6.2: If a member or leader ever seems to be (or have been) member of such an organization, said organisation was obviously wrong, as this is impossible by design.
§6.3: Consequently, it doesn't matter if the member or leader wants to be in such an organisation or not.
§6.4: Therefore, if an organisation ever changes its rules to force their members, any member or leader of the CCP who was a member of said organisation stops being one, even without anyone requesting or mentioning this.
§6.5: §6.4 also works vice versa, so if an organisation that forces its members consider a member or leader of the CCP a member of it, said member will indeed become a member of said organisation (if the rules of said organisation allow this) if said organisation changes it rules in a way so that they match the requirements stated in §6.1-2.
§7.1: Any leader of the CCP can admit any member of the forums to the CCP.
§7.2: This action can however be VETOed as described in §9.
§8.1: Any member may leave the CCP at any time for any reason, if he wishes so. We won't force our members to stay.
§8.2: However, a leader can at any time fire any member (but not a leader) for any reason. This action can be VETOed according to §9.
§9.1: If any important decision is to be made, the leaders decide on the course taken.
§9.2: They can also decide to change any law at any time or create any new law.
§9.3: Any new law or decision made via §9.1-2 needs the approve of both leaders.
§9.4: If the leaders don't agree on a subject, no decision is made and the Status Quo remains in effect.
§9.5: A leader may VETO any action taken by the other leader except for those of §9.
§9.6: A VETO may not be VETOed.
§9.7: In case of a VETO, the version of the CCP in force at the time the action VETOed took place is applied.
§9.8: A leader may also issue a temporary VETO which expires after 48 hours unless changed into a permanent one. It follows all the rules of a normal VETO in any way.
§9.9: After a decision has been made, a law has been changed etc., it takes effect immediately, unless specified otherwise; no matter if it isn't reflected in the CCP immediately and/or undone in any way later.
§10: Any member of leader the CCP can choose to call a petition at any time for any reason.
§10.1: Any petition must be publicly announced in the First Impression thread.
§10.2: A petition can do any of the following:
§10.2.1: Undo any decision or change done by the leaders.
§10.2.2: Change or create any law (similar to §9.2).
§10.2.3: Make an important decision (similar to §9.1).
§10.2.4: Fire any member of the CCP.
§10.2.5: Admit any member of the DCTP Forums to the CCP.
§10.2.6: Replace any elected stand-in by forcing a new election ("constructive vote of no-confidence").
§10.2.7: Undo the effects of a former, successful petition.
§10.2.8: Forbid or allow a member to have an assistant.
§10.2.9: Impose or lift any punishment according to §4.2-3.
§10.2.10: Strip a member stand-in of his stand-in powers.
§10.3: The petition consists of a question or topic and at least two possible options. One of the options has to be the "Status Quo".
§10.4: Every member has one, every leader or leader stand-in two votes.
§10.5: In case of §10.2.1 and §10.2.9, only those who had the right to vote at the point of the decision or change may vote, no matter if they lost this right later on.
§10.6: A petition is always treated according to the version of the CCP in force at the time of the petition's creation, no matter if the CCP is changed later on.
§10.7: The votes have to be cast in the 48 hours following the calling of the petition. Any vote not cast until then will be treated as abstention.
§10.8: After those 48 hours, the majority of votes (not necessarily an absolute one) decides which option is taken.
§10.9: The one calling for the petition may also choose any period of time longer (but not shorter!) than 48 hours instead of the 48 hours mentioned in §10.7-8.
§10.10: After an option has been taken, it takes effect immediately, unless specified otherwise; no matter if it isn't reflected in the CCP immediately and/or undone in any way later.
§11.1: Any member (or leader) of the CCP has the right to appoint and dismiss a personal assistant at any time.
§11.2: This assistant is not considered a member (or leader) of the CCP.
§11.3: An assistant has, not being a member (or leader), no voting rights etc. and is also no subject to §6.
§11.4: Every member (or leader) may only have one assistant at any given time.
§11.5: The one appointing an assistant is responsible for him. Consequently, if the assistant faces punishment as described in §4, this punishment is instead directed at said member (or leader).
§11.6: A member can not be hindered from appointing or dismissing an assistant by anyone, not even by the leaders.
§11.7: However, a member might lose (and consequently regain) his right to appoint an assistant by a Petition.
§11.8: A member who cannot appoint and dismiss assistants cannot have an assistant. If he has any, they are automatically dismissed.
§11.9: An assistant might at any time choose to cease being an assistant, similar to §6.
§12.1: A leader may leave the CCP or step back from being a leader (and begin being a member) whenever the CCP has two leaders.
§12.2: If a member for any reason ceases to be a leader of the CCP or a member of the DCTP forums, he is supposed to appoint a heir.
§12.3: The leaving leader may also choose his heir at any time before his leaving.
§12.4: The heir has to be a member of the CCP.
§12.5: The heir becomes a leader (and ceases to be a member) at the same time the old leader ceases to be leader of the CCP or member of the DCTP forums.
§12.6: If a leader leaves without naming a heir, a nomination phase immediately starts, which will last 24 hours, plus additional 12 hours for every member of the CCP.
§12.7: During the nomination phase, any member or leader may nominate any member as a new candidate, except himself.
§12.8: At any time between his nomination and the appointing of the new leader, any candidate or member may for any reason choose to cease being a candidate and/or proclaim himself unnominateable.
§12.9: After the nomination phase, the election phase starts, lasting exactly 96 hours.
§12.10: During the election phase, any member may vote for any candidate (including himself).
§12.11: Each member has exactly one vote, which may not be split. The remaining leader has no vote.
§12.12: After the end of the election phase, the candidate with the most votes immediately becomes a leader of the CCP and ceases to be a member of the CCP.
§12.13: The new leader is in no way inferior to the other leader, and the former leader in no way retains any special rights.
§12.14: If there is a draw between two or more candidates, the leader decides which of the draw candidates becomes the new leader. If this is for any reason not done in the next 48 hours, the draw candidate that became a member (or leader) of the CCP first is granted the vacant leader position, similarly to §12.13-14.
§12.15: During any time in which the CCP has only one leader, no action described in §9 may be taken, and no member may be fired or admitted. Any ongoing petition will not end until 48 hours after the CCP has again two leaders.
§13.1: A leader or member may also name a temporary stand-in if, for whatever reason, he won't access or be able to access the forums for some time.
§13.2: A stand-in for a member may be any member or leader of the CCP or the leaving member's assistant.
§13.3: A member stand-in gains all the rights of this member, including control of the member's assistant and the member's vote.
§13.4: An absent member remains a member and cannot be fired or punished in any way during his absence or for the actions of his stand-in.
§13.5: An absent member can be punished for the actions of his assistant upon his return.
§13.6: A stand-in for a leader may be any member of the CCP.
§13.7: If a leader doesn't name a stand-in before he leaves, a stand-in is elected by the procedure described in §12.7-12.13 (the elected only becomes a stand-in instead of a leader).
§13.8: A leader stand-in has all the rights of a leader, and is in no way inferior or superior to the other leader. He also gains control of "his" leader's assistant.
§13.9: The absent leader remains a leader, and upon his return, the leader stand-in immediately loses his leader stand-in status and becomes a normal member again.
§13.10: A returning leader may undo any of his stand-in's actions and withdraw any of the agreements his stand-in has given by §9.3.
§13.11: The returning leader may use his VETO right according to §9.5-8 on any action or decision that took place during his absence until up to 500 hours after his return.
§14.1: If any laws of the CCP conflict with each other, the more specific law overrules the less specific one.
§14.2: If there is doubt whether certain actions are allowed, forbidden or have to be punished, the leaders decide.
§14.3: If the leaders disagree about points of the §14.2, a petition is held.
§14.4: The short rules do not need to reflect the laws of the CCP completely.
§15.1: The CCP (Callid-Conia-Pact) is the organization these laws belong to. The CCP is subject to these laws.
§15.2: The First Impression Thread is a thread of the DCTP Forums and can be found by the URL viewtopic.php?f=30&t=2293.
15.3: The DCTP forums, also simply called "forums", are the forums of the DCTP fansubbing group and can be found by the URL index.php.
§15.4: A First Impression (FI) is, strictly spoken, the first impression of the forum member the FI is referring to, but any impression or thought is considered an FI for the purpose of the CCP.
§15.5: A leader is anyone listed in the CCP as a leader, unless specified otherwise.
§15.5: A member is anyone listed in the CCP as a member, unless specified otherwise.
§15.5: An assistant is anyone listed in the CCP as an assistant, unless specified otherwise.
§15.6: A "forum member" or "member of the DCTP forums" or "user" is anyone with an account on the DCTP Forums.
§15.7: Moderators and administrators refer to the ones responsible for the forums and are appointed by DCTP.
§15.8: DCTP is the DCTP fan-subbing group.
§15.9: Mafia refers to any game similar to the Mafia party game which is played on the forums or the IRC channel of DCTP.
§15.10: "Organization" refers to any confederacy formed via the forums or the IRC channel of DCTP.
§15.11: The Rules of the Forums are the rules imposed on the DCTP forums by DCTP and can be found by this URL: viewtopic.php?t=5.0.
§15.12: The General Discussion board is a board of the DCTP forums and can be found by the URL general-discussion/.
§15.13: A law refers to anything part of the CCP that is part of a paragraph (§).
§15.14: An important decision is any decision with the CCP or parts of it as its subject that is not covered by any law not referring to an important decision (e.g. renaming the CCP).
§15.15: A gender misuse is the act of addressing someone with any gender other than their actual one.
CCP V3.0.3 (27.07.2011)
CCP archive
Callid-Conia Pact (CCP):
Short Rules of the CCP:
The CCP is meant to ensure everyone leaves an FI in the FI thread and also to generally create a harmonious atmosphere, both in- and outside the First Impression Thread. Anyone who forgets about that will probably find himself chased out of the FI Thread (well, as much as you can chase someone out of a thread on a forum ). The CCP also tries to ensure nobody cheats at Mafia or violates the general rules of the forum. Furthermore, the CCP tries to protect its members from any organisation in the forums that tries to force them into becoming a member.
The leaders of the CCP are the ones responsible for both admitting and dismissing members as well as making laws and important decisions for the CCP, though the members can take action into their hand through a vote if they wish to do so (experience tells they seldom want to). There are also a few things the leaders can't do which can be only done through votes.
Every member may have an assistance for which they are responsible and they can also select a stand-in to represent them if they can't get online, and if a leader should suddenly leave, the members can both elect and even be elected as the new leader.
If you should want to join the CCP, talk with either Callid or Conia, the current leaders.
If you want more information on the rules of the CCP, read the complete version below.
Leaders and members:
Leaders (Founders):
Detective Tommy
Kaito Lady
§0: This laws can only be changed by the procedures described in §9 and §10.
§1.1: The purpose of the CCP is to keep the First Impression Thread pleasant and genial, while at the same time preventing it from losing its purpose.
§1.2: The CCP will further try to gather as many fans of the First Impression Thread as possible, and help the First Impression Thread to become as large as possible.
§1.3: Outside of the First Impression Thread, all members of the CCP will try to act together in order to promote cosiness and order as well as equality and justice in the DCTP Forums.
§2.1: Failing to leave a First Impression will be punished as stated in §4-4.4.
§2.2: In case of repeated deliberate omissions of First Impressions, both members and assistants are to treat this person as banned, if no leader has yet made use of the §4.2.
§2.3: Any deliberate and causeless gender misuse will face punishment as stated in §4-4.4.
§2.4: Disrupting the general peace of the First Impression Thread or trying to lead other people to disrupt it (flamebait) may also be punished according to §4-4.4.
§3.1: Anyone who violates the rules of the Mafia forum games will also face punishment as stated in §4-4.4.
§3.2: §3.1 includes any sub-varieties of the game, like Mini-Mafia, Grawwfia or Slow-Motion Mafia.
§3.3: The rules of Mafia as referred to in §3.1 are whatever the GM of the respective game proclaims them to be.
§3.4: Violating the DCTP Forum Rules may also be punished according to §4-4.4, and an administrator or moderator of the DCTP Forum may be notified.
§4.1: The normal punishment is to be chased out of the First Impression Thread by any leader or member of the CCP or their assistance.
§4.2: This punishment may be tightened in case of a repeated violation to being banned of the thread or obligatory submission of a face-to-face chess match versus Callid.
§4.3: Tightening of punishment as described in §4.2 can only be imposed be a leader of the CCP, with the exception of the §2.2.
§4.4: Being a member or leader of the CCP doesn't protect one from punishment.
§5.1: Any assistant, member or leader of the CCP will help the First Impression Thread to have more replies than the General Discussion board.
§5.2: §5.1 does not, in any case, hinder the assistants, members and leaders to post and contribute to the mentioned threads and boards.
§6.1: No member or leader of the CCP can ever be a member of any organisation that forces their member, i.e. any organisation that does not allow its members to leave at any given time for any given reason.
§6.2: If a member or leader ever seems to be (or have been) member of such an organization, said organisation was obviously wrong, as this is impossible by design.
§6.3: Consequently, it doesn't matter if the member or leader wants to be in such an organisation or not.
§6.4: Therefore, if an organisation ever changes its rules to force their members, any member or leader of the CCP who was a member of said organisation stops being one, even without anyone requesting or mentioning this.
§6.5: §6.4 also works vice versa, so if an organisation that forces its members consider a member or leader of the CCP a member of it, said member will indeed become a member of said organisation (if the rules of said organisation allow this) if said organisation changes it rules in a way so that they match the requirements stated in §6.1-2.
§7.1: Any leader of the CCP can admit any member of the forums to the CCP.
§7.2: This action can however be VETOed as described in §9.
§8.1: Any member may leave the CCP at any time for any reason, if he wishes so. We won't force our members to stay.
§8.2: However, a leader can at any time fire any member (but not a leader) for any reason. This action can be VETOed according to §9.
§9.1: If any important decision is to be made, the leaders decide on the course taken.
§9.2: They can also decide to change any law at any time or create any new law.
§9.3: Any new law or decision made via §9.1-2 needs the approve of both leaders.
§9.4: If the leaders don't agree on a subject, no decision is made and the Status Quo remains in effect.
§9.5: A leader may VETO any action taken by the other leader except for those of §9.
§9.6: A VETO may not be VETOed.
§9.7: In case of a VETO, the version of the CCP in force at the time the action VETOed took place is applied.
§9.8: A leader may also issue a temporary VETO which expires after 48 hours unless changed into a permanent one. It follows all the rules of a normal VETO in any way.
§9.9: After a decision has been made, a law has been changed etc., it takes effect immediately, unless specified otherwise; no matter if it isn't reflected in the CCP immediately and/or undone in any way later.
§10: Any member of leader the CCP can choose to call a petition at any time for any reason.
§10.1: Any petition must be publicly announced in the First Impression thread.
§10.2: A petition can do any of the following:
§10.2.1: Undo any decision or change done by the leaders.
§10.2.2: Change or create any law (similar to §9.2).
§10.2.3: Make an important decision (similar to §9.1).
§10.2.4: Fire any member of the CCP.
§10.2.5: Admit any member of the DCTP Forums to the CCP.
§10.2.6: Replace any elected stand-in by forcing a new election ("constructive vote of no-confidence").
§10.2.7: Undo the effects of a former, successful petition.
§10.2.8: Forbid or allow a member to have an assistant.
§10.2.9: Impose or lift any punishment according to §4.2-3.
§10.2.10: Strip a member stand-in of his stand-in powers.
§10.3: The petition consists of a question or topic and at least two possible options. One of the options has to be the "Status Quo".
§10.4: Every member has one, every leader or leader stand-in two votes.
§10.5: In case of §10.2.1 and §10.2.9, only those who had the right to vote at the point of the decision or change may vote, no matter if they lost this right later on.
§10.6: A petition is always treated according to the version of the CCP in force at the time of the petition's creation, no matter if the CCP is changed later on.
§10.7: The votes have to be cast in the 48 hours following the calling of the petition. Any vote not cast until then will be treated as abstention.
§10.8: After those 48 hours, the majority of votes (not necessarily an absolute one) decides which option is taken.
§10.9: The one calling for the petition may also choose any period of time longer (but not shorter!) than 48 hours instead of the 48 hours mentioned in §10.7-8.
§10.10: After an option has been taken, it takes effect immediately, unless specified otherwise; no matter if it isn't reflected in the CCP immediately and/or undone in any way later.
§11.1: Any member (or leader) of the CCP has the right to appoint and dismiss a personal assistant at any time.
§11.2: This assistant is not considered a member (or leader) of the CCP.
§11.3: An assistant has, not being a member (or leader), no voting rights etc. and is also no subject to §6.
§11.4: Every member (or leader) may only have one assistant at any given time.
§11.5: The one appointing an assistant is responsible for him. Consequently, if the assistant faces punishment as described in §4, this punishment is instead directed at said member (or leader).
§11.6: A member can not be hindered from appointing or dismissing an assistant by anyone, not even by the leaders.
§11.7: However, a member might lose (and consequently regain) his right to appoint an assistant by a Petition.
§11.8: A member who cannot appoint and dismiss assistants cannot have an assistant. If he has any, they are automatically dismissed.
§11.9: An assistant might at any time choose to cease being an assistant, similar to §6.
§12.1: A leader may leave the CCP or step back from being a leader (and begin being a member) whenever the CCP has two leaders.
§12.2: If a member for any reason ceases to be a leader of the CCP or a member of the DCTP forums, he is supposed to appoint a heir.
§12.3: The leaving leader may also choose his heir at any time before his leaving.
§12.4: The heir has to be a member of the CCP.
§12.5: The heir becomes a leader (and ceases to be a member) at the same time the old leader ceases to be leader of the CCP or member of the DCTP forums.
§12.6: If a leader leaves without naming a heir, a nomination phase immediately starts, which will last 24 hours, plus additional 12 hours for every member of the CCP.
§12.7: During the nomination phase, any member or leader may nominate any member as a new candidate, except himself.
§12.8: At any time between his nomination and the appointing of the new leader, any candidate or member may for any reason choose to cease being a candidate and/or proclaim himself unnominateable.
§12.9: After the nomination phase, the election phase starts, lasting exactly 96 hours.
§12.10: During the election phase, any member may vote for any candidate (including himself).
§12.11: Each member has exactly one vote, which may not be split. The remaining leader has no vote.
§12.12: After the end of the election phase, the candidate with the most votes immediately becomes a leader of the CCP and ceases to be a member of the CCP.
§12.13: The new leader is in no way inferior to the other leader, and the former leader in no way retains any special rights.
§12.14: If there is a draw between two or more candidates, the leader decides which of the draw candidates becomes the new leader. If this is for any reason not done in the next 48 hours, the draw candidate that became a member (or leader) of the CCP first is granted the vacant leader position, similarly to §12.13-14.
§12.15: During any time in which the CCP has only one leader, no action described in §9 may be taken, and no member may be fired or admitted. Any ongoing petition will not end until 48 hours after the CCP has again two leaders.
§13.1: A leader or member may also name a temporary stand-in if, for whatever reason, he won't access or be able to access the forums for some time.
§13.2: A stand-in for a member may be any member or leader of the CCP or the leaving member's assistant.
§13.3: A member stand-in gains all the rights of this member, including control of the member's assistant and the member's vote.
§13.4: An absent member remains a member and cannot be fired or punished in any way during his absence or for the actions of his stand-in.
§13.5: An absent member can be punished for the actions of his assistant upon his return.
§13.6: A stand-in for a leader may be any member of the CCP.
§13.7: If a leader doesn't name a stand-in before he leaves, a stand-in is elected by the procedure described in §12.7-12.13 (the elected only becomes a stand-in instead of a leader).
§13.8: A leader stand-in has all the rights of a leader, and is in no way inferior or superior to the other leader. He also gains control of "his" leader's assistant.
§13.9: The absent leader remains a leader, and upon his return, the leader stand-in immediately loses his leader stand-in status and becomes a normal member again.
§13.10: A returning leader may undo any of his stand-in's actions and withdraw any of the agreements his stand-in has given by §9.3.
§13.11: The returning leader may use his VETO right according to §9.5-8 on any action or decision that took place during his absence until up to 500 hours after his return.
§14.1: If any laws of the CCP conflict with each other, the more specific law overrules the less specific one.
§14.2: If there is doubt whether certain actions are allowed, forbidden or have to be punished, the leaders decide.
§14.3: If the leaders disagree about points of the §14.2, a petition is held.
§14.4: The short rules do not need to reflect the laws of the CCP completely.
§15.1: The CCP (Callid-Conia-Pact) is the organization these laws belong to. The CCP is subject to these laws.
§15.2: The First Impression Thread is a thread of the DCTP Forums and can be found by the URL viewtopic.php?f=30&t=2293.
15.3: The DCTP forums, also simply called "forums", are the forums of the DCTP fansubbing group and can be found by the URL index.php.
§15.4: A First Impression (FI) is, strictly spoken, the first impression of the forum member the FI is referring to, but any impression or thought is considered an FI for the purpose of the CCP.
§15.5: A leader is anyone listed in the CCP as a leader, unless specified otherwise.
§15.5: A member is anyone listed in the CCP as a member, unless specified otherwise.
§15.5: An assistant is anyone listed in the CCP as an assistant, unless specified otherwise.
§15.6: A "forum member" or "member of the DCTP forums" or "user" is anyone with an account on the DCTP Forums.
§15.7: Moderators and administrators refer to the ones responsible for the forums and are appointed by DCTP.
§15.8: DCTP is the DCTP fan-subbing group.
§15.9: Mafia refers to any game similar to the Mafia party game which is played on the forums or the IRC channel of DCTP.
§15.10: "Organization" refers to any confederacy formed via the forums or the IRC channel of DCTP.
§15.11: The Rules of the Forums are the rules imposed on the DCTP forums by DCTP and can be found by this URL: viewtopic.php?t=5.0.
§15.12: The General Discussion board is a board of the DCTP forums and can be found by the URL general-discussion/.
§15.13: A law refers to anything part of the CCP that is part of a paragraph (§).
§15.14: An important decision is any decision with the CCP or parts of it as its subject that is not covered by any law not referring to an important decision (e.g. renaming the CCP).
§15.15: A gender misuse is the act of addressing someone with any gender other than their actual one.
CCP V3.0.3 (27.07.2011)
CCP archive
Last edited by Conia on July 27th, 2011, 4:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
- mangaluva
- Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek
Posts: 5246- Contact:
Re: First impressions
Someone who made a scary-sounding pact with Callid (I left an impression! Don't hurt me!)
Nuzlocke 1: After Armageddon--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
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Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
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- Conia
- Yurikochan's Husband
- Conan Shuuichi
Posts: 5194
- Callid
- Ratio vincit omnia.
Posts: 1433
Re: First impressions
An ally.
If , , , , , , or are attached, that paragraph may not be 100% serious. Seriously.
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
This link provides further information.
Callid Conia Pact - Petitions - Archive
- mangaluva
- Fangirl, Pokefreak, Grammar Roman, Movie Geek
Posts: 5246- Contact:
Re: First impressions
Someone threatening people who don't post a First Impression with humiliating chess games.
Nuzlocke 1: After Armageddon--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
Personal Tumblr---Fanfic Tumblr---Original Novel Tumblr---Other Novel Tumblr--DCMK blog
Nuzlocke 2: Blood and Bond--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3: Calamity Calls--COMPLETE
Nuzlocke 3.5: Isabelle's AlphaSapphire Story--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4: Dimensional Destruction--ONGOING
Nuzlocke 4.5: Deliverance--ONGOING
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- Sakina
Posts: 418