AMURO VS KID case... yes guys, it will be the confrontation b/w Zero vs Kaito Kid; since Gosho has released his hints in ACNH game (Animal Crossing) on the next case as described below:
Gosho's Hints in ACNH:
-I drew a magazine cover -The character looks like Kaito but there is something different inside -Amuro, Azusa, Kazami... Can you tell which one is actually??
My reaction upon reading this....."OMG, ARE YOU KIDDING ME??"... I bet it will be an amazing chapter, and I guess that Kid will be facing troubles
However, talking seriously about this case, Gosho said previuosly in an interview with La Da Vinci magazine in May, that he planned the issue of Zero's encounter with Kid, but is it their first meeting? Of course NO... Don't forget that Kid met Zero as Sherry (disguised) and learned that Amuro/Bourbon was dangerous from an evil organization and was intending to kill Sherry (according to what appeared to Kid)...What will happen if they meet? And do you think that Amuro will know or suspect that Sherry whom met in Train Arc was in reality Kaito Kid throughout this case ??
Prepare yourself for a legendary case..Conan fans