And somedays I don't feel as young, but I keep it moving
If you've seen my name on other websites, yes I registered there as well
Been a big fan, of Detective Conan and DCTP, how else did i catch up? lol
So with that said I appreciate everything and everyone who helped us non living or speaking Japanese people who continuously help translate and helped keep this site going, like I said, I'm a big fan, even got a dedicated Facebook and Twitter under my signature below. So hope yall continue to enjoy DC and hope to have fun here
Names KnightMare btw,
The Knight Is Young
- kkslider5552000
- Community Villain
- Enjoys making videos that no one will watch
Posts: 8032- Contact:
Re: The Knight Is Young
Hello DConanSyndicate aka KnightMare!
Let's Play Bioshock Infinite: ... 94#p879594
3DS friend code: 2878 - 9709 - 5054
Wii U ID: SliderGamer55
3DS friend code: 2878 - 9709 - 5054
Wii U ID: SliderGamer55